DINO: Visualizing Structural Biology
Table of Contents
User Manual v0.8

Thank you for your interest in DINO. This program aims to participate in the ongoing effort to understand the structure and function of biological macromolecules. It seeks specifically to visually combine results obtained from all different fields that involve structural biology, such as x-ray crystallography, structural NMR, electron and atomic-force microsopy and bioinformatics (including molecular dynamics, structure prediction and electrostatic potential calculations).

Please note that the current release is considered beta1. Most of the features have been implemented, however, and current work is dedicated to improving code robustness, removing bugs and implementing more formats. Please do not hesitate to contact me (dino@bioz.unibas.ch) for any questions, comments, criticism or bug reports.

1 Quickstart

2 Overview

3 Shell

4 Scene and GUI

5 The Datasets

6 Structure Dataset

7 Surface Dataset

8 Scalar Field Dataset

9 Topography Dataset

10 Geometric Primitives Dataset

11 Appendix


Raimund Dutzler, Joerg Stetefeld, Paola Storici, Guido Capitani, Tilman Schirmer, Dimitrios Fotiadis, Daniel Mueller, Andreas Engel, Gitay Kryger, Harry M Greenblatt, Kaspar Locher, Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve, Paul Adams, Michael L. Connolly, Don Bashford, Mathew Caughron, Todd M Serulneck, Eugenio Santenelli, Domenico Bordo

1. beta is only a state of mind

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