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- CONStraints
{ < constraints-interaction-statement > } END
is invoked from the main level of X-PLOR.
- <constraints-interaction-statement>:==
- INTEraction=<selection> <selection>
[ { <weight-statement> } ]
specifies the two selected sets of atoms. The double selection
is active until a new
CONStraints < constraints-interaction-statement > statement
is issued. The default double selection is a single
double selection involving all atoms of the molecular structure.
- <weight-statement>:==
- VWEIghts {<*energy-term*> <real> } END
- applies the
weight(real) to the specified energy term for
(default : all terms having zero VWEIghts;
i.e., no perturbation analysis is being done). This
Hamiltonian does not contribute to the forces, but it can be
used for purposes of analysis.
- WEIGhts {<*energy-term*> <real> } END
- applies the
weight (real) to the specified energy term for
the Hamiltonian
(default: all active terms having unit WEIGhts).
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Sat Mar 11 09:37:37 PST 1995