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- RESTraints PLANar { <restraints-planar-statement> } END
is invoked from the main
level of X-PLOR.
- <restraints-planar-statement>:==
- { <restraints-plane-group-statement> } END
adds a new group to the planar restraints database. More
than three atoms per group need to be defined
(default: (NOT ALL)).
- INITialize
- erases the current planar restraints database.
- <restraints-plane-group-statement>:==
- SELEction=<selection>
- defines the group of atoms
that are restrained to form a plane (default: ( NOT ALL)).
- WEIGht=<real>
- specifies a weight
for the planarity
restraint in kcal mole
(default: 300.0 kcal mole
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Sat Mar 11 09:37:37 PST 1995