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Up: Rigid-Body Coordinate Space
Previous: Iteration
This statement sets up various parameters for rigid-body dynamics and
then executes the specified number of dynamics steps.
Parts of the molecule that are not specified in any
GROUp statement will remain fixed. The constraints fix
statement (Section 8.1)
has no influence on rigid-body molecular dynamics (except
for the default group selection).
- DYNAmics RIGId
- { <dynamics-rigid-statement> } END
is invoked from the main level of X-PLOR.
- <dynamics-rigid-statement> :==
- ASCIi=<logical>
- writes a formatted (ASCII)
coordinate trajectory file if ASCIi is TRUE;
if ASCIi
is FALSE, an unformatted (binary) file is written.
In the former case,
a scale factor s and an offset o are applied to the
coordinates r (i.e.,
); the result is converted to an
integer number and written to the
ASCII file using the specified format.
If a hexadecimal format is specified,
care should be taken to ensure that the
application of the scale factor s and the offset o
results in positive
the whole course of the molecular dynamics simulation.
Otherwise, FORTRAN format runtime errors will occur.
- CSEL=<selection>
- selects atoms that are
written to the coordinate trajectory file (default: all atoms except those
fixed by the constraints fix statement).
- DT=<real>
- assigns the time step
value for the finite-difference integration in psec
(default: 0.001 psec).
- DYNMODE=<string>
- selects from three possible rigid-body dynamics
modes: FREE, LANGevin, or TCOUpling (default: FREE).
- FORMat=<string>
- provides a FORTRAN format
for the ASCIi= TRUE option
(default: 12Z.6, hexadecimal).
- GROUp=<selection>
- selects atoms that will
form a rigid group. Multiple specification of GROUps will
define multiple rigid groups. The group selections have to
be disjoint (default:
one group consisting of all atoms except those that have been
fixed by the constraints fix statement; the default
is overwritten as soon as a GROUp statement is issued).
- NPRInt=<integer>
- determines the frequency with which
the energy is printed in standard output (default: 1, i.e., at
every dynamics step).
- NSAVC=<integer>
- determines the frequency with which
the coordinates are written to the coordinate trajectory file (default: 0).
- NSAVV=<integer>
- determines the frequency with which
the velocities are written to the velocity trajectory file (default: 0).
- NSTEp=<integer>
- determines the number of steps
(default: 100).
- NTRFrq=<integer>
- determines the update frequency to remove
the overall center-of-mass translation and
rotation of all ``free" atoms (default: 0).
- OFFSet=<real>
- provides an offset o for the ASCIi=TRUE
option (default: 800).
- SCALe=<real>
- provides a scale factor s for the
ASCIi=TRUE option (default: 10000).
- TBATh=<real>
- specifies the temperature of the heatbath or the
target temperature of the temperature-coupling method.
- TCOUpling=<logical>
- denotes the Berendsen temperature-coupling
which works in conjunction with TBATh (default: FALSE).
- TRAJectory=<file>
- names coordinate trajectory file
(default: none).
- VASCii=<logical>
writes a formatted (ASCII) velocity
trajectory file if VASCii is TRUE; if VASCii
is FALSE, an unformatted (binary) velocity
trajectory file is written.
In the former case,
a scale factor s and an offset o are applied to the
velocities r (i.e.,
); the result is converted to an
integer number and written to the
ASCII file using the specified format.
If a hexadecimal format is specified,
care should be taken to ensure that the
application of the scale factor
and the offset
results in positive
the whole course of the molecular dynamics simulation.
Otherwise, FORTRAN format runtime errors will occur.
- VELOcity=<file>
- names the velocity trajectory file (default: none).
- VFORmat=<string>
- is the FORTRAN format
of velocity trajectory file for the VASCii= TRUE option
(default: 12Z.6, hexadecimal).
- VOFFset=<real>
- provides an offset
for the VASCii= TRUE
option (default: 300).
- VSCAle=<real>
- provides a scale factor
for the
VASCii=TRUE option (default: 10000).
- VSEL=<selection>
- selects atoms that
are written to the velocity trajectory file (default: all atoms except
those fixed by the constraints fix statement).
Next: Requirements
Up: Rigid-Body Coordinate Space
Previous: Iteration
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Sat Mar 11 09:37:37 PST 1995