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- WRITe TRAJectory { <write-trajectory-statement> } END
- is
invoked from the
main level of XPLOR
- <write-trajectory-statement>
- :==
- ASCIi=<logical>
- specifies whether
the output trajectory file is
scale factor s and an offset o are applied to the
coordinates before they are written to an ASCII file;
(default: FALSE).
- FORMat=<string>
- is the FORTRAN format
for the OASCii= TRUE option.
If the hexadecimal format is specified when writing an
ASCII trajectory file, care should be taken to ensure that the
coordinates after application of the scale factor s and the
offset o are all positive.
Otherwise, FORTRAN format runtime errors will occur
during writing or reading of the ASCII file. The
default offset and scale should work well in most
(default: 12Z.6, hexadecimal).
- is to be used only for subsequent calls. It
appends the current coordinate set to the trajectory file.
- OFFSet=<real>
- provides an offset o for the OASCii=TRUE
option (default: 800).
- OUTPut=<filename>
- designates an output trajectory filename.
- terminates writing to the trajectory file
and begins writing to another trajectory file.
- SCALe=<real>
- provides a scale factor s for the
OASCii=TRUE option (default: 10000).
- SELEction=<selection>
- specifies that only
selected atoms are being written.
The integration step unit of the ``fake" trajectory
file that is produced by this statement is set to 1.
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Sat Mar 11 09:37:37 PST 1995