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- NCS RESTraints { <NCS-restraints-statement> } END
is invoked from the main
level of X-PLOR.
- <NCS-restraints-statement>:==
- { <ncs-restraints-group-statement> } END
adds a new group to the restraint NCS database.
- INITialize
- erases the current restraint NCS database.
If no restraints are
specified, the energy flag NCS should be turned off as well.
- <NCS-restraints-group-statement>:==
- EQUIvalence=<selection>
- adds a new set of
NCS-equivalent atoms within the group to the restraint NCS
- SIGB=<real>
- gives the target deviation
for B-factor restraints
(deviation from the average B of equivalent atoms) in Å
(default=2.0 Å).
- WEIGht=<real>
- gives the
effective energy constant for the positional
restraints in kcal mole Å (default: 300.0
kcal mole Å).
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Sat Mar 11 09:37:37 PST 1995