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- <selection>:== ( <selection-expression> )
- <selection-expression>:==
- <term>
- selects atoms that belong to the term.
- <term> { OR <term> }
- selects all atoms that
belong to either one of the terms.
- <term>:==
- <factor>
- selects atoms that belong to the factor.
- <factor> { AND <factor> }
- selects all atoms
that belong to all of the factors.
- <factor>:==
- ( <selection-expression> )
- selects all atoms that are
selected in selection expression.
- selects all atoms.
- <factor> AROUnd <real>
- selects all atoms that
are within the specified real cutoff value around any selected atom
in the factor.
- <*segment-name*> <*residue-number*> <*atom*>
selects all atoms that match the specified segment name,
residue number, and atom name or wildcards of
- ATTRibute
- [ABS] <property> <
| = |
| > <real>
selects all atoms that have (absolute) properties
less than, equal to, not equal to, or greater than the specified
real number.
- BYGRoup <factor>
- selects all atoms that belong to groups
(see Section 3.1.1) containing
at least one atom that has been selected in the factor.
- BYRes <factor>
- selects all atoms that belong to residues
containing at least one atom that has been selected in the
- CHEMical <*type*>
- selects all atoms that match
the specified type (Section 3.1.1)
or a wildcard of it.
- CHEMIcal <type>:<type>
- selects all atoms
that have types greater than or equal to
the first type but less
than or equal to the second type in alphanumeric order.
- HYDRogen
- selects all atoms with masses
(atom property MASS) approximately less than 3.5 amu.
- ID <integer>
- selects all atoms that match
the specified internal atom number. It should be used with caution.
The main application is in conjunction with the ``FOR <symbol>
IN ID" statement (Section 2.8).
- selects all atoms with known coordinates.
- NAME <*atom*>
- selects all atoms that match
the specified atom name (Section 3.1.1)
or a wildcard of it.
- NAME <atom>:<atom>
- selects all atoms
that have atom names greater than or equal to
the first atom name but less
than or equal to the second atom name.
- NOT <factor>
- selects all atoms that have not been
selected in the factor.
- POINt <3d-vector> CUT <real>
- selects
all atoms that are within the specified real cutoff
value around the specified 3d-vector
(Section 2.3).
- PREVious
- selects all atoms that have been selected in
a previous selection in application statements
that contain multiple
- RESIdue <*residue-number*>
- selects all
atoms that match
the specified residue number (Section 3.7)
or a wildcard of it.
- <residue-number>:<residue-number> selects all atoms
that have residue numbers greater than or equal
to the first residue number but less
than or equal to the second residue number.
- RESName <*residue-name*>
- selects all atoms that match
the specified residue name (Section 3.1.1)
or a wildcard of it.
- RESName <residue-name>:<residue-name>
- selects all atoms
that have residue names greater than or equal to
the first residue name but less
than or equal to the second residue name.
- <factor> SAROund <real>
- selects all atoms that
are within the specified real cutoff value around any
selected atom in the factor or any of its
crystallographic or non-crystallographic symmetry mates.
(See Section 12.3 for the definition of
crystallographic symmetry and Chapter 16
for the definition of non-crystallographic symmetry.)
- SEGIdentifier
- <*segment-name*> selects all
atoms that match
the specified segment name
(Section 3.7) or a wildcard of it.
- SEGIdentifier
- <segment-name>:<segment-name>
selects all
that have segment names
greater than or equal to the first segment name but less than or
equal to the second segment name.
| STORE9 selects all atoms for which the
value of STOREi is greater than 0; e.g., STORE2 is short hand for
``ATTRibute STORE2 > 0", etc. The STOREi
can be defined by the vector ID statement or the
vector statement (see Section 2.16).
selects exactly one atom from each residue. These
selected atoms may be used to ``tag" all residues without
having to refer to residue numbers or identifiers. The sequence
of selected atoms is determined by the order in which
the residues have been created through the
segment statement (see Section 3.7).
- <property>:==
- B | BCOMp |
CHARge | DX | DY | DZ | FBETa | HARM
| MASS | Q | QCOMp |
VX | VY | VZ | X
| XCOMp | Y | YCOMp | Z | ZCOMp
is a group
of properties defined in Section 2.16.
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