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Constraints and Restraints
The following describes the parameters for the
harmonic constraints feature of NAMD. Actually, this feature
should be referred to as harmonic restraints rather than
constraints, but for historical reasons the terminology of
harmonic constraints has been carried over from X-PLOR.
This feature allows a harmonic restraining force to be applied
to any set of atoms in the simulation.
- constraints
are constraints active?
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Description: Specifies whether or not harmonic constraints are active. If it
is set to off, then no harmonic constraints are computed.
If it is set to on, then
harmonic constraints are calculated using the values specified
by the parameters consref, conskfile, conskcol,
and consexp.
- consexp
exponent for harmonic constraint energy function
Acceptable Values: positive, even integer
Default Value: 2
Description: Exponent to be use in the harmonic constraint energy function.
This value must be a positive integer, and only even values really make
sense. This parameter is used only if constraints is set to
- consref
PDB file containing constraint reference positions
Acceptable Values: UNIX file name
Default Value: coordinates
Description: PDB file to use for reference positions for harmonic constraints.
Each atom that has an active constraint will be constrained about
the position specified in this file. If no value is given and constraints
are active, then the same PDB file specified by coordinates will be
used instead, constraining atoms about their initial positions.
- conskfile
PDB file containing force constant values
Acceptable Values: UNIX filename
Default Value: coordinates
Description: PDB file to use for force constants for
harmonic constraints.
If this parameter is not specified, then
the PDB file containing initial coordinates specified by
coordinates is used.
- conskcol
column of PDB file containing force constant
Acceptable Values: X, Y, Z, O, or B
Default Value: O
Description: Column of the PDB file to use for the harmonic constraint force constant.
This parameter may specify any of the floating point fields of the PDB file,
either X, Y, Z, occupancy, or beta-coupling (temperature-coupling).
Regardless of which column is used, a value of 0 indicates that the atom
should not be constrained.
Otherwise, the value specified is used as the force constant for
that atom's restraining potential.
- selectConstraints
Restrain only selected Cartesian components of the coordinates?
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Description: This option is useful to restrain the positions of atoms to a plane or a line in space. If active,
this option will ensure that only selected Cartesian components of the coordinates are restrained.
E.g.: Restraining the positions of atoms to their current z values with no restraints
in x and y will allow the atoms to move in the x-y plane while retaining their original z-coordinate.
Restraining the x and y values will lead to free motion only along the z coordinate.
- selectConstrX
Restrain X components of coordinates
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Description: Restrain the Cartesian x components of the positions.
- selectConstrY
Restrain Y components of coordinates
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Description: Restrain the Cartesian y components of the positions.
- selectConstrZ
Restrain Z components of coordinates
Acceptable Values: on or off
Default Value: off
Description: Restrain the Cartesian z components of the positions.
Atoms may be held fixed during a simulation. NAMD avoids calculating most interactions in which all affected atoms are fixed unless fixedAtomsForces is specified.
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