In the following example, the current data set is expanded by application of the two crystallographic symmetry operators and by application of the Hermitian symmetry operator (i.e., computation of the Friedel mate). Only selected reflections are expanded. The resulting data set comprises a full sphere of data. After the operation, one has to turn off the symmetry operators explicitly.
SYMMetry=( x, y, z) SYMMetry=( -x, y+1/2, -z) HERMitian=TRUE RESOlution 8. 2. FWINdow 0.1 100000. EXPAnd SYMMetry RESEt HERMitian=FALSETo produce a hemisphere of data in , use the following sequence of statements:
SYMMetry=( x, y, z) SYMMetry=( -x, y+1/2, -z) RESOlution 8. 2. FWINdow 0.1 100000. HERMitian=FALSE EXPAnd SYMMetry RESEt HERMitian=TRUE REDUce