Suppose that one wants to freeze a major portion of the stucture during
refinement. Under certain conditions, one can save CPU time by
storing the calculated structure factors of the frozen part
of the molecule and then adding them to the calculated structure
factors of the free part of the molecule. The computation
of R values, crystallographic target functions,
or electron density maps always refers to
(cf. Chapter 12).
Note, however, that
is not
added to
when performing XREFin DO operations
(Section 12.5).
In the following example, the structure factors of
residues 1 and 2 are computed and written along with
to the file ``":
xrefin ... reflection @fobs.fob end selection=( resid 1:2 ) update do (FPART=FCALC) write reflection fobs fpart end end
In the next example, the partial structure factors are read, the structure factors of the remaining residues are computed, and R for whole structure is computed:
xrefin ... reflection reset end selection=( not ( resid 1:2 ) ) update print rfactor end
In addition, one should fix the frozen atoms during minimization and dynamics by including the statement
constraints fix=( resid 1:2 ) endbefore running minimization or dynamics. One should use ``method=direct" instead of ``method=FFT" if the frozen part contains more than 80% of the molecule.