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- PRINt <print-statement>
- is invoked
from the main level of X-PLOR. Execution is activated as soon as
all required statements are given.
- <print-statement>:==
- [THREshold=<real>]
prints objects. THREshold is optional
(default: THREshold=0).
- <print-objects>:==
- ANGLes
- lists bond angles that deviate by more than the THREshold
value from the equilibrium value in degrees; it
also puts the value of the rms deviation into the symbol
$RESULT and the number of violations into $VIOLATIONS.
- lists bond lengths that deviate by more than the THREshold
value from the equilibrium value in Å; it
also puts the value of the rms deviation into the symbol
$RESULT and the number of violations into $VIOLATIONS.
- CDIHedrals
- lists dihedral angle restraints
(see Section 7.2)
that deviate by more than the THREshold value
from the equilibrium value in degrees; it
also puts the value of the rms deviation into the symbol
$RESULT and the number of violations into $VIOLATIONS.
- DIHEdrals
- lists dihedral angles that deviate by more than the
value from the equilibrium value in degrees; it
also puts the value of the rms deviation into the symbol
$RESULT and the number of violations into $VIOLATIONS. Multiple
dihedral angle entries (m>1, Eq. 4.6) are
characterized by multiple instances of the same four atoms followed
by the corresponding parameters for the multiple dihedral.
- HBONds
- lists hydrogen bonds between atoms that have
been designated donors and acceptors (DONOr and
ACCEptor; see Section 3.1.1) and that are within
the cutoff limits specified in the hbonds statement (see
Section 3.2.1). This facility can be used even
if the current empirical energy function does not use explicit
hydrogen-bonded terms. All that is required is to include the
ACCEptor and DONOr statements in the residue statement
(see Section 3.1.1) and the HBONded statements
in the parameter statement.
- IMPRopers
- lists improper angles that deviate by more than the
value from the equilibrium value in degrees; it
also puts the value of the rms deviation into the symbol
$RESULT and the number of violations into $VIOLATIONS.
- lists distance restraints
(see Chapter 18)
that deviate by more than the THREshold value from the equilibrium value
in Å; it
also puts the value of the rms deviation into the symbol
$RESULT and the number of violations into $VIOLATIONS. The
definition of the deviation depends on which NOE POTEntial
is specified: in the case of the SQUAre-well and SOFTsquare
potentials, the deviation refers to the difference
between the actual distance and the upper or lower
bound if the distance is outside the error range; in
the case of the BIHArmonic potential,
the deviation refers to the difference between the actual
distance and the target distance.
(A more precise definition is
given by
in Section 18.3.)
Next: Syntax of the
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