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PdbStat Manual on-line
ist of available commands: click on any of them to get some
description along with examples of use.
Commands/Keywords currently recognized by PDBSTAT
The commands/keywords currently recognized by PDBSTAT are given below.
Type "help " for more information on each PDBSTAT function.
Other kind/commands/keywords of help
codes(amino codes) amino(amino geometry)
Useful taks: performed with PdbStat, commands and output.
- it will try to align two structures using Smith-Waterman algorithm with BLOSUM62
- Once a set of coordinates and restraints have been read this command will analyze
the set of constraints giving several statistics.
- to abandon the program
- Classify models based on energy. If one has loaded a set of models that have somehow
stored energy for each one this command will classify them based on that value
- Clear the screen by simply adding 60 blank lines.
- Search for close contacts in the molecule. The program asks interactively for the
structure # you want and for the cutoff to consider a 'close contact'. Then it displays
on the screen some of the calculations being done with some of the contacts and finally
tells the user that the whole list is written to a file usually named
'name_of_your_file_Close_contacts' where name_of_your_file is the name of the file where
the structure/s is/are.
- Change the 'Chain Id' in a structure or family. If you read a file with a family of
structures you can change the 'Chain Identification' in the PDB format for the letter you
want (or number or ...). It is useful in some applications.
- Check 'chirality' in the molecule. This option has evolved a lot and now it checks a lot
of things in the molecule like chirality (backbone and side chain), bad omegas,
Ramachandran (trying to detect bad Ramachandran angles ...)
The check is too strict in the sense that for Ramachandran for example it points as _BAD_
all residues that lie in 4th quadrant. No check for glycine is done, all residues are
treated the same.
- Delete a model or a range of models
Syntax: del[ete] {}
del[ete] bad { rama | energy
Deletes a model from the list stored in memory. The command takes one or two
numbers. In the first case the model # is deleted and then the whole list is
re-numbered. In the second the program deletes from number 'first' to number
'second' and then re-numbers. If you give no number the program asks for one
(or a range)
Example: del 1 -> Deletes model 1
del 1 5 -> Deletes from 1 to 5 (1,2,3,4 and 5)
In 1998 was been extended a little. Now the user can delete models based in
RMSD, ENERGY and values or Ramachandran or Chirality.
Examples: del bad rama -> Deletes models with bad Ramach. values
del bad energy -> Deletes models with E > cutoff
del bad rmsd -> Deletes models with Rmsd > cutoff
Please note that the user should set the cutoff value for RMSD or ENERGY,
for that please see set command.
- Choose debug level to debug code
Syntax: deb[ug] {}
Sets the value of DEBUG, the debug level. The level of debug is controlled by
the variable DEBUG. Any value greater than 0 means some printing. Values greater
than 5 can give LOTS of printing with some options, so be careful as the print
out can get huge. At starting time DEBUG has a value of 0, i.e. no debug.
- Evaluate different measurements in a model
Syntax: eva[luate] { options }
Used to evaluate distances, angles or dihedrals in a molecule. Also it can give
the user information about a residue evaluating distances, angles and dihedrals
for that residue. A list of available evaluation is given below.
Type "help evaluate " for more information
distances angle dihedral residue OMEGA PHI PSI
ramachandran gyration dar
- Iterative expansion of FindCore core.
Syntax: expa [ core | daop ] [ log | norm ] [ domain id ]
The most common use will be: expa -bb core. It takes all defaults for the
expansion of the core.
- FindCore algorithm.
Syntax: find [ -bb | -heavy | -all | -noe ... ]
FindCore - the 'FindCore' algorithm of Snyder and Montelione
(PROTEINS, 59:673-686, June 2005)
Output - superimpositions (one file, named _1.pdb, for each domain) of
the ensemble each with (scaled) 'Order Parameters' in the B-factor field of the
first model as well as a file, named _b.pdb with coordinate uncertainties
in the B-factor field and additionally statistics describing ensemble written to the
standard output
Usage: findcore < options > Options: {-all | -heavy | -noe | -bb}
-all use all atoms in calculations
-heavy use only heavy atoms
-noe use only H atoms
-bb use only N,CA,C' backbone (default is -bb)
-p prior alt. prior to use for Bayesian correction in domain
detection method (default is 0.33)
-e critical_precision value of 'epsilon' measure of precision below which
to use alternative prior (default is 0.37)
-rmsdToModel N calculate RMSD to the N'th model rather than to a
mean model
-biasOfModel N calculate RMSD between model N and average of other
models rather than RMSD to mean
-X2ForModel N calculate X2 statistic describing distance of model
N from spread of other models. This procedure does
a jackknife calculation to evaluate significance of
X2 statistic and writes the superimposition for each
calculation in the jackknife also in this method, the
file named _b.pdb contains scaled p-values
for local X2 statistics in the B-factor field.
The actual p-values are reported in a file called
Note - the -rmsdToModel, -biasOfModel and -X2ForModel change the default superimposition
behavior of this and are mutually exclusive of each other: please use zero or one
of these options, not more than one
FindCore uses a completely different method for determining well-defined residues.
It does not use DAOP at all and only uses the inter-atom distance variance matrix
(IVM). An element (i,j) in this matrix is defined as the variance in the distance
between atoms i and j across the ensemble. For each atom i, corresponding to a row
in the IVM matrix, and a value of variance, e2, an order parameter Te(i) is defined
as the number of elements in row smaller that e2. The critical value of the parameter
e2 should minimise the kurtosis of the set {Te(i)}. The set of order parameters at
the critical value of e2 is then split into non-overlaping subsets such that intrasubset
variances are minimized. The optimal susbsets thus define the well-defined (high values
of order parameters) and the ill-defined (low values of the order parameters). The
well-defined atoms are then analysed using Ward’s clustering algorithm and separated
into individual domains if needed. The cutoff for clustering is provided by the
Chauvenet criterion.
- Fit to a model specified by user
Syntax: fit [model number] [sele|back|heavy ..]
Fits sets of coordinates (selected, backbone, heavy..) defined at command
line to those of a specified model. If model is not specified, model 1 is
taken a the one to fit coordinates to. At the same time gives the RMSD
coord for the fitting.
Args can be none (--model 1 is taken as the one to fit--) or a model number
and any of selected, backbone, heavy.
- Try to find missing atoms in model/s
Syntax: mis[ssing] [model number | all | *]
Searches models for missing atoms. Currently PDBSTAT has a Library of atom
names (GenCons.Lib) which stores all atoms names in different conventions:
DISMAN, DIANA, X-PLOR, CONGEN, PDB. This options checks if the atom names
in file are in the Library and also checks if the atoms in Library are in the
file or some of the names are missing. (It takes into account the protonation
state of residues and if residue is first or last where H atoms and OXT can
be missing).
The args can be model number or 'all' or '*' if the user likes to look for
missing atoms in *ALL* the models stored in memory.
- Commands related to NOEs (or distance restraints)
Syntax: noe | cons < matrix | analysis | clean | to >
noe delete < intra | seq | medium | long | ambi | side | back >
Command used to operate in several ways over the set of distance restraints
(or NOEs) stored in memory. It can take several args
matrix -- produces a distance matrix
analysis -- performs some statistical analysis on the restraints
clean -- cleans the set marking meaningles or duplicated restraints
to -- transforms the atom naming convention in the distance
to several formats:
PDB follow PDB rules
IUPAC IUPAC rules for atom naming
- Sets different things in the program, like atom properties, rmsd cutoff, ...
Syntax: set [ prop | rmsd | ener | cutupl | cutaco ]
Examples: set rmsd 1.50
set ener -98.0
set prop
set cutupl 1.0 -- or set cut_upl
set cutaco 10.0 -- or set cut_aco
This command is used to set different things in the program. The most
interesting ones from user point of view should be rmsd and/or energy
as these set the RMSD cutoff value to consider an rmsd good or bad.
The same comment applies for energy cutoff. If these values are set we
can delete for example ALL models with bad values, i.e. the following
sequence of commands:
> order 0.85
> rmsd best
> set rmsd 1.5
> del bad rmsd
The example above deletes all models with rmsd values greater than 1.5
'set prop' is used to set atom properties in the model. Usually this is
done at read time.
'set thres 1.0' is used to define the threshold for printing residual
distance violations
- Prints version and some dimensions of the program running
Syntax: ver[sion]
Mainly it gives you some info about current dimensions for your
executable. You can get something looking like this:
> MAIN: ===========> CURRENT SETS <==============
> MAIN: -- Version Version 2.0 - Oct, 1994 --
> MAIN: -----------------------------------------
> MAIN: Max. Number of models : 61
> MAIN: Max. number of residues : 100
> MAIN: Max. number of atoms : 1600
> MAIN: Max. Number of noes : 3200
> MAIN: Max. Number of JCOUP : 200
> MAIN: =========================================
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Algunas estructuras
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